Residency Program

Tårnby Park Studio is committed to the development of new performative practices. Therefore, we make our space available to artists and groups who desire and need open work processes and artistic exchange. Residencies typically last one to two weeks (or as needed and according to our possibilities) and conclude with an open rehearsal, to which neighbors are also invited. Their feedback is always valuable. Artists can thus test how their work affects audiences who may have completely different references and backgrounds from themselves.

If possible, we pay our resident artists a fee or a small per diem. If our finances do not allow this, and unfortunately, this is often the case (we are working on it!), we provide our infrastructure, artistic sparring, and PR. We also emphasize long-term relationships. Very often, we invite artists in a second step to deepen their work for one of our festivals.

You can submit an application here


Aktuel 2025


10-18. Februar: Residency WERK / Anne Katrine Boddum og Ida Ingemann Lorentzen

19.-28. Februar: Residency “Fugl Falder” med Andrea Lindeneg and Ragni Halle


10.-22. März: Residency Pauline Michel & Vilma Ehnberg / “Rock Bottom”


3.-10. April: Residency Evelina Jakobsson Potentiano & Ane Carlsen /  “sienna & valencia 2 infinity”

14.-20. April: Residency Mark Tholander and team


12. Juni: Residency Party & Worksharing with Jakobsen Pontentiano, Carlsen, Tholander, Michel, Ehnberg, Lindeneg og andre


Double you single view
Magalí Camps
Residency 10.6. – 17.6.24  Tårnby Park Studio

Showing 13.9.24 (18.30) Tårnby Park performance festival Økocity 2.0


Græder ved havet | البكاء على حافة البحر 20.4.2024
Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed og moltamole [Eliza Bozek] Workshop 20.4.2024  Tårnby Park Studio
Installation 03.09. –
15.09 2024  Tårnby Park Performance Festival 2024 Økocity 2.0

Ella Östlund
Residency 04.3-17.3 2024 at Tårnby Park Studio
Residency Showing d. 14.3 2024 kl 19.00 at Tårby Park Studio



SAMIR / Billedkunstner
Residency  08.09-30.09
