Rock Bottom

Residency 10.-22. march: at Tårnby Park Studio 

Rock bottom is playing with the potential energy of weight and our
overflooded minds, asking how we can transform states of physical
heaviness and mental despair into movement while believing that
heaviness can turn into a motor of movement and a source of strength.
We are deep diving into our heavy thoughts, rocking and swaying to the
beat of our heads. We are contemporary human beings, carrying our
weight in our minds.

“As part of the residency we would like to invite for a public presentation in two parts, where we invite the audience into an open movement session and also share a draft of our duo as a work-in-progress. In the first part we would invite the audience to join meditation practices that focus on sensing gravity. From there we would introduce rocking motions that lead into a session of grooving together. Second part would be to share a draft of our duo-work that we have been creating during the residency period”

about Pauline Michel & Vilma Ehnberg